www.sumingguoji.com   TEL:15010041357 | 010-87926091
Aboutus / Child care

Parental care: commonly known as: nursery and childcare Sao, mainly engaged in 0 ~ 3 years old baby care, care and education of the senior housekeeping waiter, waiter according to the growth characteristics of 0-3 years old infants in different age stages of growth, physiology and psychology, comprehensive on infant nutrition, health care, education and other aspects of life care, and nursing science education.

0-3 year old preschool education experts, 3 years old child's brain growth in the peak period, in the life of 80% to 90% of the fine movement to lay the foundation in the past 3 years.

* infant nutrition diet, scientific feeding, potential development, physical fitness training, personalized early education program implementation.

* infant diet, daily life, health care, health care and education.

* physical development characteristics, psychological development characteristics, nutrition, daily life care and education for infants aged 0-3 years old.

Senior nursing division according to infant development level selection and design of game activities, ability to exercise all aspects of children's movement, cognition, language, social interaction, education to complete the task in many aspects of infant motor skill training, intellectual development, social behavior and personality etc..


Beijing Su Ming International Housekeeping Service Co., Ltd.
Service hotline: 15010041357 | 010-87926091email: 1219198318@qq.com
Address: No. 8, West Park, Beijing economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing
Record number: Beijing ICP prepare 17048011